
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem asked

Where is shunt /MonitorMode defined ?

I'm working on integrating DC meter SmartShunt usage into GuiMods but can't find the definition for the values for DC meter dbus service / Settings/MonitorMode. Can someone point me to the documentation?

Venus OSdc meter
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maika avatar image maika commented Ā·

Yes.. Please... :-)

Sorry I can't help. I would be so happy if it becomes possible and if I can see the starter battery voltage on the CerboGX touchscreen.

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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered Ā·

Mark Bath provided some of the values:

  • Alternator -6
  • AC charger -2
  • Wind generator -8
  • Shaft generator -7
  • Water/hydro generator -4
  • DC - DC charger -3
  • Generic source -1
  • Fridge 3
  • Water Pump 4
  • Bilge pump 5
  • Inverter 7
  • Water heater 8
  • Generic load 1

This is all I need for now, but if someone finds a document, please let me know here.

This should probably be in the main dbus WiKi where different services and there parameters are described, but that document is missing that parameter.

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