
Josep morancho avatar image
Josep morancho asked

piezoresistive level sensor & Cerbo GX

Cerbo GX documentation says that tsnk level sensors must be resistive sensors.

My providers says that their tani level sensors are "piezoresistive diffused silicon sensors" and support (4~20)mA, (0~10/20)mA, (0~5)V, (1~5)V, )0~10)V signal output.

Are these tank level sensors compatible with Cerbo GX tank level input?


cerbo gx
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You did not mention the provider so going by the information that you have given, the answer is no.
None of those parameters are resistance parameters, they are either Voltage or current outputs and the CerboGX inputs require resistance - as you know.

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