
kayutek avatar image
kayutek asked

Parallel Multis not inverting, showing LED OK codes, CCGX says Inverter is OFF.

We have 2 x Multis in parallel (2 x 48/3000/35-16, V.430).

Multis were set up as master and slave using an MK-2 with VE.Configure software. Multis linked together with RJ45 cable. Master is linked to color control via VE.Bus. System has worked flawlessly for 4 years.

Now the inverters won't invert. No unusual usage, nothing unusual on visual inspection. No error codes shown on CCGX log. Device list says inverter state is off.

Multis LEDs show "OK codes" (ie. Master shows bulk flashing and nothing else, Slave shows float flashing and nothing else, all other LEDs are off). Should both master and slave show Bulk and Float LEDs flashing in a parallel setup?

RJ45 cables are not damaged. The Battery is at 100% SOC, (Lithium BYD B-Box Pro 10 KWh on VE.Can to CCGX)

We have tried turning off both master and slave independently to force a single inverter to take over as standalone inverter but no success.

We have rebooted CCGX. We have checked cables, unplugged and plugged them, turned multis on and off in various sequences.

Does anyone have any solutions?

Thanks in advance.

multiplus in parallelVE.Bus
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Kayutek,

The state you are describing sounds like it could be that the inverters have been sent the 'off' signal by the system.

One possible cause of this is the BYD BMU is sending a 0A discharge current limit, or other issue with the managed battery comms.

To test the theory, run through the BYD battery troubleshooting steps here -

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