
tom-dv avatar image
tom-dv asked

Remote VEConfigure multiplus compact problem

  1. Recently a have a problem with my multiplus. Till a few weeks ago I could configure my multiplus via the remote VEConfigure. Now when I start to download the needed file i get the message " No VE.Bus product found" from that moment the multiplus stops updating in the device list. Also form the same moment the multiplus status won't change anymore on the screen of my touch 70 (neither on the remote console on my laptop or smartphone)

Multiplus works like normall, inverting and/or charging.

After turning the multiplus on and off it stays up to date in the devices list untill I try to download the file for the Remote VEConfigure.

Anybody an Idea?

Already disconnected everything from the battery, without result. Checked the wiring and everything is fine. (Tested the RJ45)


multiplus ve.bus
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Tom dv,

before you trigger Remote VEConfigure, make sure the MultiPlus is switched to On, or Inverter Only or Charger Only. It's not enough to see the unit in the device list.

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