
maddin avatar image
maddin asked

Cerbo GX - how to save the settings on SD-card ?

Hi there,

how to save the settings (language , tanksensors, and other special settings ) at a cerbo GX on the SD-card ?

Here is a backup need, for save this or use this settings with a other cerbo GX.

cerbo gx
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15 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

This has not yet been implemented - still in development as of May 2024.

We understand it's a much desired feature, especially for large installers.

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nesswill avatar image
nesswill answered ·

Please wonderful Victron Developers do you have a time-scale for this please?

Thank you. :)

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mito avatar image mito commented ·
This is a major issue.

Integrators that have many installations to support, cannot live without saving a Cerbo configuration. It is a mandatory issue. Same as restoring a configuration to other similar installations and keeping track in QC file forms.
So I support nesswill request for a time-scale

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

At the Moment you CANT, it was tested in 2.80~21 but was then removed due to issues in 2.80~24

I expect it will be re added latter when the issues are resolved.

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negawatts avatar image negawatts commented ·
Any update on saving settings on GX Device yet?
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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Victron is still working on the system to backup and restore settings.

I recently added a partial settings backup to my SetupHelper package as a temporary solution.

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John Leslie avatar image
John Leslie answered ·

Hello. My Cerbo is on v2.84 and there does not appear to be a way to backup & restore settings from a file. Anyone have an update if or when this feature will be added?

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nesswill avatar image
nesswill answered ·

Sorry if i missed it but has this been implemented yet?

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northtown2022 avatar image
northtown2022 answered ·

Safe to assume this feature is not yet developed?

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Thomas avatar image
Thomas answered ·

@ Guy Stewart
is there any update concerning the launch date of this urgently required feature?

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Hi @Thomas & @NorthTown2022,

There is no update yet to the issue that is blocking this feature from being released.

I know its been a while coming, and we also expected it to be deployed sooner, but the bug that arose still needs more development time.

There is no launch date yet.

Large fleet managers can contact their sales managers, I have heard of a case where a custom image was developed for many identical installations for a large OEM.

That isn't a solution for smaller scale operations though. I've passed on the request again which may or may not help it move up the list of priorities.

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dmsims avatar image
dmsims answered ·

This is a full backup (not just settings) - BUT it does work for a Pi

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nesswill avatar image
nesswill answered ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Hi Guy, will this be implemented in 3.10 or 3,20? any news please.


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There is no news to report beyond my post above.

We have a path for this feature that is dependant on other changes to be made in the OS. It's frustrating to delay it, but in the long run it's much better that it is done properly the first time in the new framework.

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fdmarder avatar image
fdmarder answered ·

something news related to backup ?

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jens0001 avatar image
jens0001 answered ·

Any news on this topic? Thanks ...

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Hi @jens0001,

No news except that it's not forgotten.

There is a pathway to this feature, I have more info but not certain what is public yet, so probably safer (for me) to wait until an official announcement before giving away too many details that may still change.

I hope once it's delivered that all the delays and issues will make sense. It's not for lack of effort, or because we are ignoring it.

To do it right requires more co-ordination and in the end will mean a 'unified' solution that makes working with Victron simpler and easier to understand, as opposed to yet a another different way to do things, which would be faster to deploy, but in the long run adds more complexity and confusion.

GX device and Venus firmware development is relentless and keeping as much as possible consistent across all (1000!) Victron products, software and interfaces is better for everyone in the long run.

Apologies and sympathies to persistent OEMs who need to program bulk GX devices until we get there though, they are also not forgotten.

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jens0001 avatar image jens0001 Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Guy,

thank you for your answer and the insides.
Looking forward hearing from you.
KR, Jens

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office avatar image
office answered ·

Seit 10. November 2021 Thema hier und bis heute keine Lösung dafür??? Was ist bloß mit Victron los? Es geht nicht an, solch essentielle Funktionen einfach nicht umzusetzen!!!

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Hi Office,

I am curious why you consider this to be an essential feature?

I have been using Victron for many years in lots of contexts now and while I definitely would have appreciated it, it’s always been a would be nice to have rather than essential.

There is one context I can think of it might make or break a business, if there was 100+ units all identical for some OEM application. In those cases it is possible to put in the work to make a custom image to load (but there is up front cost to that, and needs to be organised with a regional sales manager).

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

I have done some work with a backup/restore mechanism an have a partial solution as part of SetupHelper. But it's far from a complete backup/restore and believe me it's not simple !!!!!!!!

Many of the settings parameter names are based on a serial number of the connected device. Eg, /Settings/Devices/mopeka_c3320a1338bc/...or /Settings/Devices/vecan_socketcan_can0_C0A0BE006D200357/... or are unique to a specific GX device's unique ID

Filtering all these specific cases out requires careful work in the design of the backup/restore code.

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office avatar image
office answered ·

Ja ich weiß - es geht immer um den Blickwinkel des Betrachters - es wird einen großen Unterschied machen, ob man die Situation als "Community Manager" oder als betroffener Installateur sieht, der einen "abgerauchten Cerbo" wechseln darf, weil Victron seine Hausaufgaben beim DC/DC Wandler nicht gemacht hat und dann nicht einmal die Möglichkeit besteht, die Einstellungen zu sichern!

Bleibt ruhig bei euerer teils ignoranten Taktik - die "Chinamänner" sind gerade dabei, den Markt mit genialer Software und günstiger Harware richtig aufzumischen!

Statt Osternester mit Hennen zu programmieren, solltet ihr die Community etwas ernster nehmen! Nicht ihre Meinung mein Bester sollte im Vordergrund stehen, sondern die eurer Kunden, denn diese bezahlen ihr Gehalt!

Alois, Sonnwerk Energieberatung

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Before I worked for Victron helping the community I was a Victron installer.

It took some extra time, but what I did for my customers then was take screenshots of the configuration and put it in their customer file. These could also be added to their VRM account in the upload section.

I did the commissioning on my laptop or phone as that was also faster than the built-in screen, alongside with a pro-forma commissioning checklist that was generated as part of the installation kit depending on their type of battery etc. So taking and saving screenshots was very fast.

We aren't ignorant of the issue to improve this, as I explained above we came quite close to a specific solution for the GX some years ago, even having it in public beta, but it had a bug, and in such a feature bugs are really not acceptable, and the proper remedy for that required a change in how settings overall are accessed and stored in the GX.

That work is on-going and part of a much larger set of changes that we hope will also shake the market up a bit :)

If only the people who add the website easter eggs could be the same to improve the firmware data structures then it could all proceed more quickly, but alas, engineering is not always so straightforward or interchangeable.

I am not your opposition on this issue, in fact more the advocate to bring the most compelling reasons forward to development teams where I can when priorities need to be decided. Sometimes I am successful, and that is when I have the best information from the field to help me.

Our competition is not even the main motivation for our continued improvement. We also want to make the best we can.

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snoobler avatar image snoobler commented ·

HAH! "brilliant" (and buggy) software stored on China servers and "cheap (high frequency) hardware" with no meaningful surge that can look notably different inside the case even in the same model due to cheaper components used on subsequent production runs.

Horrific idle consumption as well.

I have a pair of 48/5kVA Quattros that can handle anything I throw at them, and they consume 27W each. I have a cheap Chinese AiO 24/3kW that burns 38W doing nothing... 24W in "eco" mode. Wish I'd bought a MP-II... seriously.

I've also had numerous features added to my Victron products since purchase in 2019 via firmware updates with an active/communicative community that doesn't exist in any other product line. You're not going to find the head of a Chinese AiO company (or any others for that matter) regularly posting about OS updates...

Just wanted to give a different perspective to the idea that China is leading the market in any way except the race to the bottom of the barrel.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Also ich bin auch ein Installateur und habe schon etliche Systeme installiert, wir versenden auch viele vorkonfigurierte Systeme.

Ich habe ein solches Feature noch nie vermisst.

Die wichtigsten Einstellungen hat man doch in 1-2 Minuten gemacht.

Bei der Inbetriebnahme bzw. Konfiguration auf der Werkbank muss man bei den MultiPlus so gut wie immer ein Firmware-Update machen und in der Zeit hat man dann auch das GX Gerät einrichten.

Auch wenn es vielleicht für einige interessant wäre, sehe ICH keinen dringenden Bedarf.

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scottz avatar image
scottz answered ·

Thank you for your efforts.

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