
crispin avatar image
crispin asked

New install - Easy Solar -Unit located around 130m from mains feed

Hi folks,

First time poster and user of Victron equipment - long time user of PV in larger DIY systems.

It's been recommended that I use an Easy Solar 5000 along with 11KW/h batteries. This will be used to "augment" my mains supply. I seldom go over 3KW in usage so all good.

My confusion though is the installer is suggesting I need a sensor on the incoming so the unit knows how much to generate. Makes sense I guess. Where I will have my inverter will be around 130m cable run.

two questions:

  1. Do I need the sensor or will the unit work it out itself? (I've seen a few confusing posts in this community)
  2. If I do need it, how will I run a CT sensors 130m? Is there a "digital" or wireless option?



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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

In normal operation, easysolar passes the grid to the AC loads. If grid inadequate, it will supplement the grid. Automatically.

What is the sensor supposed to do?

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