
daba avatar image
daba asked

Missing PV inverter behind ET112


I have got a system with:

1) Multiplus 2 GX + Pylontech an L1 connected to Input

2) SMA Inverter on L2 which is recognized by the GX

3) a EM24 at the Grid connection point (1st USB-RS485 cable)

4) a micro inverter on phase L1 which is connected via ET112 (2nd USB to RS485 cable)



My question is:

a) as you can see, it seems that the meters are recognized by the GX, but there is no display of 4) on VRM portal, because it seems not to work. Would appreciate any help.

b) Also the device list doesn't show the ET112 in Remote Console nor Dashboard

c) why is the SMA inverter only shown on Remote Console but not on Dashboard



multiplus ve.bus
device-list.png (47.1 KiB)
remote.png (41.2 KiB)
meters.png (22.5 KiB)
et112.png (27.3 KiB)
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1 Answer
daba avatar image
daba answered ·

I got it, the feed in power of the micro inverter behind the et112 is included under PV inverter, it means it is showed together with the SMA inverter feed in power. It shows the sum of both :-)

I expected a separated display for each PV source.

Dashboard seems to have some reasonable delay when it comes to upgrade, must know.

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