
rupez1 avatar image
rupez1 asked

Why does Cerbo GX PV element disappears at night

I’ve had the Cerbo GX fitted for a few months now. I’ve added a couple of PV panels and smart controllers wired to the Cerbo GX. Initially the controllers showed connected but recently (last couple of days) the PV element has dropped off during the night. The controllers show disconnect and they disappeared from the display only to return in the morning.

I had been tidying up the VE direct cables just before it went all weird but if i’d dislodged one there would be no connection at all, surely? Is it a power supply issue only working when the panels are working?

Any ideas? I’m back at the boat on the weekend. Thanks in advance.

MPPT Controllerscerbo gx
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

My initial thought is that the MPPT controllers are disconnected from the battery somehow. A loose connection or open fuse / circuit breaker would mean that the MPPT controller is only being powered from the PV side and once the sun goes down it has no battery power to keep it going.

When you go back, check your connections between the battery and MPPT controllers, I'm pretty sure you'll find a problem there.

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