
espoerer avatar image
espoerer asked

How to view all Cerbo GX Settings offline?

Dear Community,

Is it possible to make a pdf print of the Cerbo GX settings?

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

No, but ...

My SetupHelper package allows you to backup and restore settings to a SD card or USB memory stick. The file is a text file that you could convert to a PDF or better yet import into Excel or Numbers (Mac) for better formatting.

Not all settings are saved to the file. I avoid things that are numerically indexed or are based on something that could change from system to system or as configurations change. Restoring this type of setting could cause problems

The other option is the settings are stored in an XML file: /data/conf/sttings.xml. You might be able to do something with that.

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mito avatar image
mito answered ·


I have same issue you raised, simply exporting a pdf or txt file to keep track on CERBO GX settings. It is very cumbersome browsing through all Touch Panel of Cerbo GX remotely through VRM, while simply browsing settings should belot faster.

Have you tried with

I couldn`t test it yet, because it uses Victron Connect that can be used locally through WIFI or Bluetooth, supose offline and not connected with Internet.

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