
jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj asked

Easy Solar II temperature sensor / low temp cutoff charging

1. Does ESII have internal temperature sensor? I have not received external temp sensor with it, and in VRM the Battery Temperature graph (275) has "No data to display". I do have Smart Battery Sense, but it seems both MPII and GX device doesn't do anything with its data. Graph Battery temperature sensor Smart Shunt 500A (274) also has no data, even when SS is in the same network as SBS (and SS MPPT), and SBS is transmiting temp data.

2. Multi Plus II has option to stop charging at certain low temp (with "internal temperature sensor"), and SmartSolar MPPT has its own low temp stop charging option (with internal temp sensor or Smart Battery sense).

So how does this work? If i have solar power, the SmartSolar MPPT charges the battery and determines low temp cutoff, BUT if i have shore or generator power for charging, MPII is charging the battery and its temp value is obeyed?

Temperature Sensor
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
Different gx devices have different temperature measurement capabilities. Which gx device?
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jj-o-jj avatar image jj-o-jj klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

Guy says the GX device in ESII is "GX card".

A GX device with a 2x16-character screen.

The integrated GX device includes:

• A BMS-Can interface. This can be used to connect to a compatible CAN-bus managed

battery. Note that this not a VE.Can compatible port.

• A USB port

• An Ethernet port, *also wifi (not listed)

• A VE.Direct port

The GX device controls the MultiPlus-II and the SmartSolar MPPT with respectively a

VE.Bus and a VE.Direct connection.

Also: CHARGER - Battery temperature sensor - Yes

But not seen in VRM.

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3 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I think, like most of the other multiplus, this is a red/black thin two wire cable with a large battery terminal on it. Wires are red and black. Mine was pre-wired and strapped to the battery cables. But looks as if you have to connect it yourself on this model. See appendix A of the manual. Sensor goes on the negative pole of the battery.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·
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jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj answered ·

Found it. Thank you.

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Related Resources

Victron temperature sensor disambiguation table - which product supports which sensor