
doire avatar image
doire asked

How do I download solar output data?

The screen that I see on the VRM portal has changed confusingly over the past month.

I have not been able to see the firmware updates under Device List-- then it came back again without intervention on my part.

I used to be able to download an .xls file format of the data on performance over given time periods; that now seems to have dissapeared as an option on the portal. How can I download the performance data?

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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Doire,

it's still there. Go to your VRM Advanced tab. Choose your time frame and click on the download button top right, just left of the widget symbol - see screenshot:


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doire avatar image
doire answered ·

Excellent Stefanie, thank you.

Indeed, it is still there, but in a different place and format. Still useful!

Thank you for quick answer,


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