
steve-burden avatar image
steve-burden asked

How can I test a Cyrix-ct outside of the car?

I have a camper van in which I'm using a Cyrix-ct to charge my household battery while driving. This has worked well for 2 years but last summer I ended up with a dead household batter despite having driven substantial distances.

I've verified the wiring and the battery itself so I suspect that something happened to the Cyrix-ct but before I go ahead and replace it I would like to verify this.

Hence my question: is there a way I can test the Cyrix-ct in isolation?

Thanks in advance for any help

Cyrix Battery Combiner
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Steve Burden

If your house is lead based then they are probably at end of service life anyway. So the cyrix may not be at fault. Just guessing here more information would be needed on your set up.

The cyrix is triggered by voltage, the flashing lights should tell you what it is up to.

Am solar has a neat explanation.

If the voltage is at trigger level then I imagine you should have continuity between the two positive terminals. also you should be able to feel/ hear the relay clicking. There is a video on youtube, not in English but the idea is there anyway.

The datasheet has the appropriate voltages and also current draw of the cyrix when the relay is open.

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