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ve-user asked

Multi Plus compact 12/2000/80-50 120v Can We?

We have a Multi Plus compact 12/2000/80-50 120v. Few questions:

-Can we disable automatic inverting upon AC disconnect?

-Can we reduce or set a limit on the battery charge mode current?

chargerinverter current draw
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1 Answer
netrange avatar image
netrange answered ·

Question 1: If disconnected from AC ... the Multi will automaticly switch to Inverting Mode ... If ON ... If no Load is connected ... the Multi will go in the AES or Search Mode with lower Current Consumption ... but the Inverter will be always a little bit ON ... some watts ...

Question 2 : YES ... with Victron Connect and Victron Configure ... you can Set the Max. Loading Courrent if connected to the AC Grid ...

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