
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v2.72~2 available for testing

Good morning/evening!

Early this week we released v2.70/v2.71, read the details in the blogpost.

And just now a newer version was pushed to be available as a Release candidate.

It has only a few small changes; and the aim is for v2.72 to be a short release cycle.

Looking forward to your results. Details and instructions below.

Have a good weekend!


What is this about?

This post is intended for all people participating in the Venus OS Beta test program. Read that link for more information about the program.

How to report?

For new issues, add a new answer below. If you see the same as someone else, or know more or an answer for him / her, use the comment feature. Careful: adding a new comment versus adding a new answer are really different things, and you need to look closely to know which button to use for what.

Change log

  • PV Inverter read-out: fix regression introduced in v2.70: connection could be lost to PV-inverters when PV-inverter is connected through both Wi-Fi and Ethernet connection, or PV-inverter IP address changes and then changes back to the first value.
  • DVCC: Stop charging (of Solar Chargers and VE.Bus Inverter/chargers) when a Lynx Smart BMS reports a charge current limit of 0A.

Venus OS
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9 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

This maybe a issue with 2.70 series, maybe not as well

I have a site that has 5 x 48/5000 multiplus in parallel

I have 3 x AC sensors connected one to Master on AUX 1, slave 1 on AUX 1, and Slave 3 on AUX1

Now I have just gone from 4 to inverters to 5 inverters

and I diid also upgraded the CCGX to FW 2.70 from 2.66

Now on 2.66 the Solar figure was showing now on 2.70 all I see on the tile is a zero solar Figure.

I was not looking at it being a CCGX FW issue so I up graded all the inverters to 482 and reinstalled all assistants from scratch (Twice), I cant find a reason for this issue and have reported this to level 3 support but have had NO resolution as of yet,

however I now see that you have released 2.72~2 re some issues with solar read outs, I did try this site today on 2.72~2 but that did not fix the issue.

just wondering if there is something else hidden in that area. The readouts were working fine on 4 inverters with the CCGX on 2.66

Maybe this 2.70 series has some other gremlin in there

Note.- I did also install Kevins display enhancement as well to the CCGX on site - but on friday I took a BRAND new CCGX and tried that on site (but I did upgrade it to 2.70 hmm ) and this unit still did not show the Solar.

NOTE the Tile shows but the total solar is zero. full VRM access is available

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·
Note as this current CCGX on site is a older version, I cant roll it back to 2.66 remotely to confirm that 2.66 works. Maybe you can do this at your level. ???
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Paul B commented ·

Hi Paul yes ofcourse. I’ll check what happened to the L3 case.

Note that you can downgrade to v2.66, by downloading the file here and using a usb stick:

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Paul B avatar image Paul B mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks Mvader, I was hoping to avoid a trip to the remote Island site, but if it has to be it has to be, but I would like to know for sure that it will fix the issue first,

so that means we need to confirm a 2.70 to 2.72~2 series issue with the multi AC sensors being used on a CCGX.

I am not 100% sure it is, and its a days trip so don't want to waist the day thats all by rolling it back to 2.66 and finding the issue still there. a remote update somehow would be a better option
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem Paul B commented ·
Also, check the backup firmware on the CCGX. A usable version may still be available. This is something you can do via the remote console.
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Paul B avatar image Paul B Kevin Windrem commented ·
Thanks Kevin I did check that however it was set to latest release so it upgraded to 2.71 then I took it to 2.71~2 so that suffed the 2.66 rollback as it only holds one step backward.

Thanks for the thought though

as this is a remote site I was hoping to do a roll back using the new update firmware option, but bummer its got the older version CCGX on the site, and that does not allow remote updates by the look as its not showing as a available option and it says that the multis cant be updated as well remotely, all because of a early model CCGX I am presuming at this point, bugger
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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

This was reported twice in the general forum:

A CCGX running v2.71 (or v2.72~2) does not recognize an SD card for VRM backup. The same is true for off-line software updates including at boot.

There is nothing in /media on the CCGX with the SD card inserted.

Cerbo running v2.72~2 DOES recognize the SD card and uses it for VRM backup.

/media shows mmcblk0p1 when the SD card is inserted on Cerbo.

I used the same SanDisk Ultra 64 GB SD card formatted FAT 32 in both devices.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
That doesnt sound good at all; and noted - thank you!
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kevinvh avatar image
kevinvh answered ·

VictronConnect will no longer find my Color Control GX device under Devices/Local.

Everything worked fine before I recently upgraded to VictronConnect V5.42 and CCGX V2.71. I don't know when the above stopped working.

If I switch to the VRM tab under Devices, then VictronConnect will recognise the CCGX and show it as 'online' and allow me to login to the VRM Online Portal on my Web browser. However, it does not show the "Remote Console" tab and I cannot connect the CCGX with my browser (as I could before).

This occurs with VictronConnect on my iPad and on my iPhone. However, it works OK with VictronConnect on my MacBook Pro.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Kevin, noted, we’ll check. Thank you.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi we checked this, and its an iOS issue. Works fine on Android and macOS and Windows. And not related to the Venus OS version.

In our tests on iOS, it did work btw, but took really really long to show up, perhaps that helps.

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kevinvh avatar image kevinvh mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

I can confirm that it takes about 5 minutes for VictronConnect to recognise my Color Control GX device under Devices/Local, on both iPad and iPhone.

Problem has occurred since upgrading to VictronConnect V5.42. How do I roll-back to the previous version?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ kevinvh commented ·
Hi, you can’t roll back, sorry. Be assured we’ll work to real soon roll out a new version with a fix for this. How soon depends on how difficult it is to fix.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Ps: this is not a bug that was made in VictronConnect. This is a new Apple rule for iOS, per version 14. We’re working with Apple on it.
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mauri avatar image
mauri answered ·


The text "no alarms" in the status field seems to be off center now. This was OK in 2.66.

The system is Cerbo with 7" 1024 x 600 touch screen.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

I see this also.

There was a change in Marquee.qml in 2.71 (actually earlier in the V.70 development cycle) that I causes text that isn't big enough to scroll to left align rather than be centered.

The problem also exists in the Mobile Overview.

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jw1971 avatar image
jw1971 answered ·

It seems that sometime after 2.70~11 a WiFi issue has been introduced. This continues with 2.72~2.

The symptoms:

- Everything is working well

- Cerbo GX will loose connection to VRM

- WiFi will indicate it is connected on Cerbo GX screen

- Cerbo GX will not accept SSH or pings, network seems down

- On Cerbo GX display in VRM settings it is indicating a URL lookup issue.

- Check logs in DNS server and Cerbo GX has not made a DNS request for hours.

- Using Bluetooth VictronConnect connect to the Cerbo GX.

- Go in and disconnect the WiFi network under Settings/Networks

- Then reconnect WiFi network

- All works again for several hours until it repeats itself

It appears that once in this WiFi zombie state the only way to recover is to disconnect/reconnect or reboot the device. This doesn't occur over ethernet connection

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi @jw1971 thank you for the clear and concise report. We’ll look into it.

How often/frequent does this happen for you?

And to overcome it, you can use the Reboot on no communication feature, see the VRM menu in settings.

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jw1971 avatar image jw1971 mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @mvader (Victron Energy)

It seems random the interval. But typically 6 to 10 hours.

See two screen shots of the VRM Settings.

First is while in the error state - but the Wifi indicates it's connected, but no remote connection possible. So I presume the DNS lookup is failing due to no connectivity off the Cerbo, but interestingly is that it thinks it is still connected.

The second is after a disconnect/reconnect in the VictronConnect app of the network.

I can turn on the reboot - perhaps a "reconnect" WiFi option could be added as well?


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ jw1971 commented ·
Hi, thank you for the update, this helps
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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Looks like v2.72~4 fixed the SD card not recognized on a CCGX. Anything else we should be testing?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Yes that your wifi still works (if you use wifi). (Though nornally adding new drivers would never break existing ones)
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Ps. I added the ~4 post just now
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Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Just a query as to how to install:

on an sd card?

Also, the

describes how to burn an sd image using windows disk imager, what is the equivalent for Debian please?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi, I always use this:

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Mike Dorsett avatar image Mike Dorsett mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
@mvader (Victron Energy) Hi, for some reason Debian won't run the appimage file that your link downloads. However I did find a disk image writer (not associated with the .wic file extension that works.
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nighteagle avatar image
nighteagle answered ·


so for Language - something is in english and something in german after change language to german.

Example - Show Tank Overview - no German Language Translation. Setup >> i can set Frischwasser and in the Overview is called Waste-Water-Tank. Looks like someone have forgot to translate the names.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi @nighteagle , yes, thank you for spotting that. We'll get that fixed in v2.80.
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nighteagle avatar image
nighteagle answered ·

So the 2.73 released - still Translations-Issues...

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