
tord-hoppe avatar image
tord-hoppe asked

Help with planning of installation of Smart Shunt in boat.

Hey all!
First off, I´m pretty far from an electrical engineer, so bare with me!

The issue is how to position the Smart Shunt in the following setup. I have two "consumer" batteries, 1 and 2 on the pic, that are connected in parallel and one engine starter battery, number 3 on the picture. I have two charging inputs, one from shore power and one from solar panel, and those two are connected to each of the two consumer batteries. Plus and minus from shore power is connected to plus and minus on one battery, and similarly the solar panel is connected to the second battery. Sorry for the Swedish, but I think you get the picture (pun intended).
The minus goes from one of the consumer batteries to minus on the starter battery and then onward to the boat system.
My goal is to monitor the charge level, consumption and charge on the two consumer batteries seen as one and the starter battery as the secondary.

My interpretation of the user manuals is to insert the shunt between the starter battery and the first consumer battery, with the shunts "To system minus" towards the starter battery and "To battery minus" towards the consumer battery. Then connect the Aux port to the starter battery positive, and the VBatt+ to the consumer battery positive connector. I hope I make sense, and most importantly if that setup works. What really confuses me is if the two charging inputs can remain where they areor if I need to move something around?



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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Tord Hoppe

Yes, you have the shunt positioning sorted on the main -ve wire, yellow top right in your pic.

BUT you'll have to relocate both charger negative wires to the System (load) side of the shunt too. The positives can stay where they are.

The charge wires look relatively small, but I presume you've taken that into account..

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