
concinnitydigital avatar image
concinnitydigital asked

Newest Firmware Update Bricked my 150|100 MPPT TR Charger - Won't Charge Batteries Anymore

I just applied a new firmware update to my 150|100 Solar Charger MPPT from Victron via bluetooth with the Victron Connect App. Since that time, my Solar Charger will not out put any current from the charger to my batteries, no matter what I do.

The update applied was the 1.56 update, but then I saw today, there was another one, the 1.59 that I also just applied as well... hoping it would fix the issue. It didn't.

My configuration shows between 18.8-20v from the PV array, but 0 amp output. The battery voltage in my system (shown by my smartshunt) shows 11.8 and 12v, but the MPPT thinks the voltage is 14.

The MPPT only stays in absorption mode, but does not output any power at all. I multi-meter tested the output from the device, and it matches whatever voltage I set the absorption voltage to via the Victron Connect app.

I've really liked my gear when it works - but I am admittedly really frustrated that a single firmware update can take down my entire off grid system. Seems really irresponsible and there should at least be a way to revert back firmware.

Images available here

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @ConcinnityDigital

Your symptoms suggest a discontinuity in the wiring/fixtures between the mppt and batts.

Firmware often gets the blame, but more often it's something else. I have a 150/100 and it's fine, gets the updates too.

Always a chance that it's faulty, but I'd be looking (err, testing) to your wiring first as the most likely source of the issue.

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concinnitydigital avatar image
concinnitydigital answered ·

@JohnC thanks for your response.

I would generally agree with your answer, except that..

a) no wiring has moved or changed, and prior to the firmware update, we were collecting SOME PV power daily. The only thing that changed was the firmware update.

b) I multi meter tested the inputs and outputs from the unit, all looks normal. Inputs from the PV array show 18-20v depending on the position of the sun, outputting from the MPPT shows whatever absorption voltage I put in the victron connect app (which defaults to 14v, but output changes to meet whatever I change it to in App), and then checked my Lynx Bus bar and see the voltage drop to whatever the battery bank is actually at (generally 12v or so depending on it's charge level).

The unit just will not get out of absorption mode, no matter what I do, except it isn't feeding any power / amperage to the battery bank at all.

I have been combing through these forums and google and it seems that this has been a recurring issue for these units since firmware release 1.54. I see countless posts about people having the same exact issue, seeing power voltage but no amperage output, and their units being bricked or destroyed by the firmware update. Seems like Victron has a major problem on their hands, and you'd think that at minimum, they would enable it so that we can downgrade firmware and un-fuck our expensive solar gear.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
If you can measure the charging voltage at the battery terminals of the MPPT then the problem is not inside the MPPT.

Check again the wiring from the MPPT to the battery.

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