
dann-fazekas avatar image
dann-fazekas asked

solar upgrade


I already have a 400 watt solar array feeding a single battery bank using a Victron mttp 100/30 controller and now i would like to expand this by adding a separate 720 watt array using a Victron mttp 150/70 controller to feed the same battery bank.

My question is will the 100/30 controller by able to use ve smart network with the 150/70 controller to combine to the total output of both arrays.

cheers Dann

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·
@Dann Fazekas

Understanding what a VE smart network is and does for will clear up a few things for you.

This page will introduce you to its features and advantages. The manual explains all the terms such as synchronised charging and whether is it really necessary.

You can put two chargers on the same bank without comms and still be ok for full charging if you have set them up right and arent over amping the battery during charge.

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