
Dave Rae avatar image
Dave Rae asked

Battery Monitor Multiplus II/48_10000


Just a basic question, because Pylontech batteries use their own BMS through the CCGX system to control charge parameters does that mean that the ENABLE BATTERY MONITOR settings tab when in VE Config can be left blank (IE) unticked? The system has an AC coupled Fronius Primo, system is offgrid using the Inverter Assistant installed for the frequency shifting..


VEConfigure 3
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2 Answers
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

Correct, the battery monitor on the Multiplus should be off, which is unticked.
Make sure to set the monitor to pylontech on the GX

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

For ESS it have to be switched on also if you want to use the SOC for programming an assistant inside the Multi.

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Dave Rae avatar image Dave Rae commented ·
Fully offgrid system so not using the ESS assistant, just using the PV Inverter Support Assistant for the frequency shift to control the Fronius... Cheers....
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