
paulp avatar image
paulp asked

75/15 MPPT Solar reg. wont load battery presets and cant disable low temp cut off

When I try to change a battery preset through the Victron app, it won't load the change in battery and I can't disable the low temp cutoff. It will always default to User Defined none of the pre loaded battery presets will load. I have the temperature sensor connected with the BMV712 with an AGM battery, all connected through the VE Network. Could this be a software issue with the 75/15 solar regulator?. I have tried to unload and reload the Victron connect app, but this didn't help. Can I reset the Solar Reg will this help.?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
ddickov avatar image
ddickov answered ·

Hi there I would indeed try to reset the mppt if possible remembering to disconnect pv first then battery then reverse to re connect it, I would also delete and reinstall the app on a two platforms if possible I have had android work and then other times Apple phones, android tablet sometimes works better, just incase you don’t know maybe better off letting the mppt discharge totally I would leave it 30mins then re connect it and see if that helps thanks david

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