
jmgg avatar image
jmgg asked

Real output of MPTT controller in 12v

Good afternoon, I have a question regarding the real output in Amps from my solar panel. I have a 24v 280W solar panel regulated with the 100/20 bluesolar to charge two 12v 175ah each batteries. My question is, when I check the data on the app ( right now) solar gives me 132W, 30,6 volts and 4,5 Ah. Going down to battery data it gives me 13,41v and 9,4 Ah, but when I look at my battery monitor, I‘m only getting 4,5 Ah in the battery, shouldn’t the controller be giving me the full amps at 12v? Thank you for your insight on this

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Hi @Jmgg , welcome to the Community!

Your battery monitor shows net current into/out of the battery, so if the controller is sending 9.4A to the battery bank and the battery monitor is showing 4.5A going in, that just means that you have a load of ~4.4A running.

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jmgg avatar image jmgg commented ·
Thank you Justin. The issue comes at max output when I should be getting close to 17A in 12v and get a max of 8A and I have nothing draining that kind of juice. Could it be related to my battery isolator (diode bridge)?
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