
chrisnyl avatar image
chrisnyl asked

Mppt 75/15 not charging correctly


Ive tried everything. Had the mppt replaced. Had the solpanel replaced. The batteries are fine checked with a autool batterysystem tester bt 360. So i tried on the load port to connect a usb charger and charge an ipad to see if the panel works. And there it seems to work fine.

so my conclusion seem to be the firmwire thats corrupt?

because the charger should be on bulk/absorbtion mode with some good amps into the batteries. As you can se it just puts 0.1-0.3a but the load port has better amps.

The weather is perfect only sun at mid day

MPPT Controllers
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

What are your panel details and battery details, age as well.

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chrisnyl avatar image chrisnyl Alexandra ♦ commented ·

The panel is 1week old. 2021 version.
batteries are april 2020. They have good internal resistance.


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4 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

The battery seems to be charged (at 14.40V), so it won't take any more energy into it.

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chrisnyl avatar image chrisnyl commented ·
Okay can i change the volt to like 13.8 in abs mode and it will charge more?
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seb71 avatar image seb71 chrisnyl commented ·

Okay can i change the volt to like 13.8 in abs mode and it will charge more?


Discharge the battery with some load.


Your battery seems to be a car battery (lead-acid engine start battery), which is not good at all for solar use.

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chrisnyl avatar image chrisnyl seb71 commented ·
Okej but it says leisurwbattery aswell?

What kind of batteries should i have that gets me 225ah and does not cost more tha 400-500eur?

the combo i have worked flawless during summer 2020.

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seb71 avatar image seb71 chrisnyl commented ·
Since you have it, keep using this battery as long as it lasts.
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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Probes in the multimeter are in the wrong input ports....

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chrisnyl avatar image chrisnyl commented ·
Okej but does it matter? Beacause at night the victron app says the same voltage as i get with the multimeter.
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chrisnyl avatar image
chrisnyl answered ·

What kind of battery should i have that gets me 225ah and does not cost more than 400-500eur. The combo i have worked flawless summer 2020.

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chrisnyl avatar image
chrisnyl answered ·



Thanks to your help i looked it through one more time and found a corroded fuse. Changed to new cables. direct to battery and now it seems to work.

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