
Joel Hogan avatar image
Joel Hogan asked

Quattro 12/3000 remote switching

Hey All , I have a Quattro 12/3000 that was setup standalone 18 mths ago with the Victron Lithium Battery and BMS connected on the VE Bus , Fast forward to now where I would like to control the Quattro Remotely , I have a cerbo Connected now to use or the Remote Switching and Monitoring via the VRM Portal. Now I understand that I cant have the BMS Connected and still Remote switch the quattro , However I I unplug the BMS the Inverter will not switch on at all , I I remove the BMS as an assistant The Inverter goes into a Fault. Resetting the Inverter to Default settings has made No difference at all.

No Matter what I try it seems that I Cant get the Inverter Back to Operating as a basic setup without wanting a BMS Attached.

I have tried to firmware update the Inverter however It wont allow with any VE Bus products connected and If I Unplug the BMS the Inverter wont power on to allow Connection

I have to be Missing something simple here but atm I am stuck and Frustrated so happy or any Ideas

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

if you remove the BMS assistant then you also MUST disconnect the VE-BMS units VE BUS cables, BOTH HAVE TO BE REMOVED or the multi will not turn on

once both are removed then you can remotely turn the Multi off and on with the cerbo.

To get around this you can use 2 signal Assistant and connect your BMS that way and still have the cerbo remote control

Ie use the VE-BMS relay outputs to trigger the 2 signal BMS settings, you may need to use 2 extra relays to do this.

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