
edgargw22 avatar image
edgargw22 asked

Victron, Raspberry Pi & Home Automation?

I’m into my 3rd full-time year with Victron & solar equipment in my RV and just picked up my first Raspberry Pi. For now, I want to learn how pull-out data and stuff it into a database and maybe display some live information. In a year or so, I’d like to move back into a brick and mortar, and of course, install more Victron & solar equipment along with some “smart” home devices. What developer tools should I be looking at now that will easily migrate to a “smart” house? Are there any open-source home automation packages that might help now and, in the years to come? While I’m a developer by trade, I certainly like modeling that does the work for me. TIA…

Raspberry Pi
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I use Home Assistant for my home automation needs. It runs as a VM but can run on a RaspberryPi too. HA uses MQTT or ModbusTCP to get sensor values out of the Venus device.

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edgargw22 avatar image edgargw22 commented ·
If I want to stuff data into a database, is MQTT better/worse than ModbusTCP?
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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ edgargw22 commented ·
It depends which is easier for you I suppose. Both methods would yield values for you to submit to a DB.
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