
darkminer avatar image
darkminer asked

Off grid Crypto. Using as much of the battery as possible Life04?

I have a few off-grid systems I have built for my helium mines. These were built to be as light weight as possible to get into some remote locations hiking in.

This is my first time working with Solar so please excuse my lack of knowledge on any advance setting configurations.

My question is in regards to settings. I want go be able to use as much of the battery as possible when needed, like a few days of bad weather, as opposed to having the unit cut off to increase the life of the battery. I don't mind have to change batteries more often if needed. So in short how can I modify my settings to get maximum use of batter during bad weather if battery life/longevity isn't my concern?


MPPT Controllers
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darkminer avatar image darkminer commented ·
Anyone that could help im happy to pay for your time
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1 Answer
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

Just set your load output on your MPPT to always on, the BMS in the battery would then cut power once the battery is at is't minimum SOC and once the sun comes up again everything should turn back on and start charging the battery and runnings your loads.

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