
mryoshii avatar image
mryoshii asked

VE.Bus System [276] - Low battery: Alarm

Hi im getting a VE.Bus System [276] - Low battery: Alarm and i down't know why its comming up every time. It starts beeping and sends e-mails.


The min discarge is 75%


Thanks for any help.

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8 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


If you are running ess assistant, then you need to check your voltages for the c rating, maybe lower them a bit.

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mryoshii avatar image
mryoshii answered ·

@Alexandra i got them like this: 1627036296006.png

do you have any recomendations? im useing 2x 12v 230Ah AGM batteries.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

And your sustain voltage? Is is above the c ratings you have set there.

These settings will affect the longer duration alarms, but i do also see you have shorter alarms for maybe when your system is under load.

it is possible your battery bank is not able to provide the amps needed before the voltage is collapsing to low, the other possibility is your cable is undersized? These are the othwr two most common causes.

Under the advanced tab you can download the csv data for the alarm period and the excel sheet will show what the voltage is dropping to in the system. The color control also shows the voltage of the bank at the time of alarm.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
They do look ok, so how much higher is the sustain voltage?
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mryoshii avatar image mryoshii Alexandra ♦ commented ·

This is sustain voltage.


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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

See section 6.4 Sustain mode.

Your sustain voltage is higher than your discharge voltage for 0.005c so at about 1.15A it is triggering the low battery warning and trying to sustain the higher voltage.

You can lower the sustain a bit maybe down to 23v on the top one. That way on your .25c draw at least, your low battery is not triggered. (About 57A draw from the bank so on a 24v system about 1200W load)

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mryoshii avatar image mryoshii commented ·

ok i have changed it now. I will test it now and give feedback. Thanks for now.

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mryoshii avatar image
mryoshii answered ·

@Alexandra its still showing the alarm.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Are they occurring less often or the same?

Are you able to see in the advanced tab what your battery is actually doing during these alarms? Basically what may be happening (and i am guessing as i do not have all the data from your system) is the battery voltage is sagging under load - maybe they are weak? or cabling is undersized?

I assume you have a 24v 3 kva system?

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mryoshii avatar image mryoshii Alexandra ♦ commented ·

i don't see anything that could be wrong.. the min voltage is 23.91


I have dissabled the alarm compledly because the peeping is anoing. But this should not be the answer to this problem. Now i have no alarm if the battery is untervoltage.

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Also on the vrm under setting and then select allarm rules in there is allarm settings that can also be configured


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mryoshii avatar image
mryoshii answered ·

@Paul B I have not set anything here.1627390218858.png

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nvs avatar image
nvs answered ·

Hello same issue here :( did you find a solution ?

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michael66 avatar image
michael66 answered ·

I am getting "VE.Bus System [276] - Low battery: Alarm" every few days since a few weeks. Before that the system was running fine. No setting changed. Strange


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