
goldy avatar image
goldy asked

Blue smart charger failed firmware update

I've been repeatedly trying to update the firmware to 3:4 via a S20 phone but keeps failing and getting X88 communication error and now the charger won't work anyone had this problem

firmware update
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5 Answers
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @Goldy

Can you please try to remove the bond information in the phones bluetooth menu and then try to update again? The procedure is described here:

If this does not help, can you please make a Service Report in VictronConnect right after the update and post it here? The procedure for this is described here:

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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sprollonis avatar image
sprollonis answered ·

Hi Goldy,

update did not work using my new S21. I 've got the update process working using my old S6 Smartphone.


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stitch-up avatar image
stitch-up answered ·

I'm experiencing the same issue! Samsung S20 & Blue Smart Charger. When attempting to update it continually failed displaying the X88 Communication Error!
Only just received the charger brand new from Amazon.
When I now switch the charger on it displays alternately flashing red LEDs. I connect via bluetooth and Update Firmware shows Update from None to 3.4. The update starts, reaches about 11% and then fails constantly.


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rdykes avatar image
rdykes answered ·


I am having the same issue from a galaxy S9 phone. Says updating from none to 3.42, and fails with X88 partway through. Charger is now useless.


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rdykes avatar image
rdykes answered ·

And I think I may have figured it out. I force stopped the Victron app and cleared the data and cache. When I restarted it asked for location permissions and commented it needed this to use Bluetooth LE. After a few rounds of that I started to think it might be missing other permissions so I checked the app settings and found that it was being denied access to storage, even though it never asked for it.

I explicitly allowed storage access in the permissions tab (brought up when you press and hold on the app icon and then go to app info -> permissions) and the update worked!

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Thank you for the service report and the description and good to hear that it worked in the end.

We do believe that it was a coincidence that the update succeeded after giving storage permission as VictronConnect does not need the storage permission to read the firmware that is shipped with VictronConnect. The force stopping and clearing of the bluetooth cache is more likely to have an influence.

I am mentioning all this to prevent stories from floating around that the storage permission is always a requirement to perform an update, which is not the case. But when there are people that find this post and then have the experience that storage permission is needed for a successful update, than we certainly would like to hear this in a comment.

Kind regards,


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