
Peter Buijs - NL avatar image
Peter Buijs - NL asked

MultiPlus 24|2000 Compact - Parallel configuration

2x MultiPlus 24|2000 Compact - Parallel configuration

Firmware 2618152

Since 2015 in use.

Now one of the Multi's started humming when switched on with no load connected.

When the load increases the humming becomes frightening loud, no errors reported.

Who has an idea?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Have you been using any very heavy loads recently? If nothing else has changed, and this is transformer noise rather than fan noise, I would suspect a developing fault like a transformer problem.

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Peter Buijs - NL avatar image Peter Buijs - NL commented ·
It is not the fans after a heavy load.

One (of the 2) MultiPlusses is humming even with no load.

It only gets worse when the load increases (1000-1500W) but hey the 2 Multi's in parallel should be capable of delivering that easily.

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