
philmay avatar image
philmay asked

Multiplus and SMA 5000TL-10 off grid settings

I have an issue with a Victron multiplus connected to an SMA SB5000TL-10 on a Remote power system setup - No grid power to site.

The Victron inverter is driving the frequency up to 52 Hz and shutting down the SMA inverter as it should at full battery charge but it is not lowering the frequency back to 50Hz when there is a load on the system and SOC is dropping.

If you drop power to the Muliplus and restart after a 20 minute delay, It starts up again with 50Hz and the SB inverter starts supplying power and charges the batteries.

Happy to be corrected but the SB5000TL settings are E0 for off grid, Unless Ive missed something here.

Ive changed the settings in the grid control on the Multiplus to 51Hz start control to 52HZ shut down the feed from the SMA.

Not sure where to go but will probably start afresh / go back to default settings and start over again with the Victron but if any one has some pointers this would be very much appreciated.

Secondly, im of the understanding that unlike SMA sunny islands, the Victron inverters need a DC coupled bank of solar modules to stop 'lock out' where the Victron shuts down and wont restart at all unless the battery voltage is increased via and alternative source. Any thought on this?

Many thanks,

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1 Answer
anthony avatar image
anthony answered ·

Hello, Which model Multiplus (MP) specifically are you referring to and what country are you in? Is the MP on the latest firmware and has the 'PV support Assistant' been set up in the MP using the VE configure software? What battery brand model and number are you using?

SMA didn't produce a -10 suffix Sunny Boy 5000TL in Europe at least to my knowledge. Is it a -20 or -21 suffix or perhaps a TL-US suffix? Either way if its the model with the black bottom and the display it will show that its in 'Off grid' or 'Island Mode 50/60Hz' during start up as it auto scrolls through the menu if its been set up correctly as such. Some of the SB manuals had a miss print in the rotary dial setting but the display will confirm if the correct rotary dial setting has been entered.

Regarding the lock out as you call it, I think you are referring to the emergency charge mode on some Sunny Island models (rewire required). If the system is set up and programmed correctly this should never be needed. If the batteries are being allowed to be discharged to a level where the inverter can't self sustain or be restarted when there is no load on the system then its back to the drawing board for the system set up/configuration I would suggest. Anthony

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philmay avatar image philmay commented ·

Hi Anthony, Thank you for your reply.

Im In Australia.

Sorry my mistype, Its a TL-20. Yes the SMA comes up with 'OFF GRID' on the display so im pretty sure that is right :)

The lock out is with regards to the Victron shutting down with low battery charge, I think I might have to put in a DC coupled charge system (separate MPPT) for some of the PV.

The MP is a Multiplus-ll 48/5000/70-50 230V

I used the PV support assistant, I have a Mk3 adaptor. Ive set up the batteries charge voltages and so on, they are sonnenschein A600's.


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