
ebber avatar image
ebber asked

High charge current warning with Grid feed-in


every day when my battery charges and is at around 97% I get the error "Cerbo: High charge current warning on Battery Monitor". The error clears when the battery is at 100%. This only happens when Grid feed-in is enabled. If I disable this the error doesn't appear.

I think all the firmwares are the latest version available. Feed-In settings see screenshot. I have 4 Pylontech batteries connected to my MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-48 with 2x SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/85 rev2. ESS.


feedin.png (18.9 KiB)
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h8mecz avatar image h8mecz commented ·
I have the same issue, nevertheless it should not happen because CCL is driven by BMS and it should not be more than this even DVCC is off and MPPTs are on max power. But unfortunately it is. I have sometimes this problem even with DC feed-in grid off when there is fast clouds moving (big fast variables in PV power).
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5 Answers
lukas avatar image
lukas answered ·

Same with me - seems like DVCC is currently ignoring the BMS charge current limit when grid feed-in is activated. I already reported this a while ago in different threads, but no response from victron so far... I never got this actual error, but the logging sees 3x-4x the allowed maximum charge current when the battery is nearly full...

For reference:

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Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·

Also worth checking out is the thread listed below. It suggests that CCL is completely ignored by MPTTs when grid feed-in is enabled and suggests very strongly fixing the "issue" with a new firmware release. I'm not aware that Victron sees the "issue" as worth addressing. It seems it only happens under certain circumstances such as a small battery. The relevant Victron manuals state this only happens if feed-in and ESS are enabled. The quoted thread contains some workarounds.


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
CCL is not completely ignored. Only the CCL override in DVCC.
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Fideri avatar image Fideri nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

The part quoted below needs to be made very explicit in the manuals. It's a source of confusion:

"DVCC charge current limits are not applied to DC MPPTs when ESS is enabled with Allow DC MPPT to export. This is to get maximum output from the solar panels for export."

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maa avatar image
maa answered ·

Hello, do you have any PV on AC-in?

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maa avatar image
maa answered ·

If you have PV on the AC-in either they are controlled by the Cerbo or not.

So when your batteries get closer to their full charge, if the system is controlled it may take a little time to regulate production, or if the system is not regulated and it exceeds your Feed-In authorization then the electricity has to go somewhere...

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maa avatar image
maa answered ·

Increasing your export power would be a good test to do...

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