
captmattcfi avatar image
captmattcfi asked

Multiplus Compact 12/2000 charger on/off with inverter on?


I have installed on my sailboat a Multiplus Compact 12/2000. The AC shore power runs to the unit, and then out to the shipboard AC distribution panel. Everything works great, but...

Is it possible to override the charger function, so that when plugged into shore power you could run AC loads without the charger functioning? I have tried to set the shore power current limit to 0A through my Color Control GX, but it won't accept the change and sets it to 6 or 8A (can't remember which).

Thanks in advance,

Matt C.

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sokrates avatar image sokrates commented ·

I do have the same question, however would like to be sure about the answer before I buy a multiplus. Did you test the solution given? To regulate the incoming ampere for the charger to zero ? Did that work? It seems a complicated procedure to me for a simple problem. And a dealer told me it did not work

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2 Answers
boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

Do you still want the shore power to supply AC loads?
there is a way to set charge current with an assistant..
Another option is the 'ignore AC-in' assistant, then all power comes from the batteries.

But can you explain exactly what you want to accomplish? then the answers will be better suited.

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captmattcfi avatar image captmattcfi commented ·

I want to use AC loads using shore power, without the battery charger running.

So given the two choices you listed, I believe I would like to set the charge current (to 0A, I assume).

Thanks for the reply.

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

What happens if you simply disable the charger?

discharge-copy.jpg (36.9 KiB)
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