
maxx92 avatar image
maxx92 asked

Why is the solar part shut off when battery status is below around 70%?

I have a Multiplus 12V/2000/80 on 3 12V/200 Ah Lifepo batteries to power my sailing boat. Additionally I have 2 solar charge control Victron 100/30 and Cerbo. The most peculiar thing that happens is, that once the battery status falls below around 70%, the solar panels are cut out! When I need them most, they are dropped. Now, that is clearly quite the opposite of the whole idea. The installer claims it is the BMS that does this but I doubt that. Last time this happened I had to start the engine to bring the battery charge status to above 70% - give or take - in order to get the solar panels to feed again. Bug or installation flaw?img-2238.jpg

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Obo avatar image
Obo answered ·

You can adjust the PV charger settings in the Victron 100/30, have a look in the manual and you will be able to adjust the PV charging voltages to allow the PV to charge at higher rates, be careful and speak with the battery manufacturer to get proper charging voltages.

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maxx92 avatar image maxx92 commented ·
Thank you! I believe that is the key. It currently shows 15A which would be 225 Watts. That is way lower what the shore power does.. So I will ask the installer whether there is any problem to increase that value..
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maxx92 avatar image maxx92 maxx92 commented ·
On second thought: I realize that you talked about Voltage, not Amperes. I will read the manual in depth first ;-)
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