
thezeroth avatar image
thezeroth asked

Multiplus and type 2 surge protector?

Is it helpful to have a type 2 surge protector like "Square D HOM250PSPD" inside a RV powered by 2 Multiplus 24/3000? Can a type 2 surge protector be harmful to the Multiplus while RV is not connected to shore power?

FYI: type 2 surge protector used to protect against surges caused by appliances inside the house.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

I've been running a pair of 1200W Multiplus for several years to power domestic loads with no problems. I don't think that this type of surge protection would help - but it also would not harm the inverters. My loads include a fridge freezer, chest freezer and a bore pump (1kW cap start cap run motor). I've also used a 3kW bench saw, arc welder and other power tools so I think the inverters are able to cope with pretty much any load.

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