
ralf-z avatar image
ralf-z asked

Installation angle MPPT 75/10

Dear community, I'm just about to install a 75 /10 Smart solar controller in my Ford Transit. The manual states that it should be installed in a vertical position. I would like to mount it to an angled steel surface (45° approx) under the passenger seat, connectors facing down of course to avoid water ingress. I would assume that the sheet metal surface will assist as some kind of heat sink, so I unless there are other reasons for the vertical assembly I hope to be OK with this approach. Can anybody confirm my idea or do I miss anything significant? Thanks a lot in advance for your help.

MPPT ControllersMPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Hot air rises... The alloy panel on the back of the mppt is where the heat is convectively dissipated.

Mount it vertical, heat rises up and away from the mppt.

Mount the mppt at 45d, or horizontal, and the heat does not rise and dissipate as well. The heat rises into the mppt, and it overheats.

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ralf-z avatar image
ralf-z answered ·

Ok thanks. Do you think it might be sufficient to put the module on some spacers (e.g. washers) or would you recommend building a bracket?

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

Vertical mounting offers the best heat dissipation and so this is recommended.
However, if mounted to a cool metal surface it will probably be OK. Even at full chat, the wasted heat would probably be around 5W.

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ralf-z avatar image ralf-z wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks that's what I thought as well. I think I will build some mounting brackets anyway just to be safe. Cheers
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