
crop1 avatar image
crop1 asked

3 phase multiplus 2

I have setup a 3 phase system to run a motor, there is a 48v battery supplying the inverters and occasionally these inverters are pluged in to recieve 3 phase from the grid to run the motor and charge the battery.

The problem I am getting is that when plugged in the inverters using the mains electric is very sparadic and most of the time the system reverts to running off the battery. It was suggested that I reconfigure the inverters as the lead inverter may have a fault. I used ve bus quick configure to do this and it tells me it is all set, but now the motor software is not seeing 3 phase and if i check it with ve bus system configure it tells me the inverters are out of phase. anyone have any ideas.

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You would also need to physically change their positions to match the rotation you made when reprogramming.

You can use the program to identify who is the master and place it in L1 position wiring wise. Repeat for all three phases.

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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake commented ·
You don't need to move the inverters but they have to be wired correctly,

as L1 to L1 inverter, L2 to L2, L3 to L3. This does sound like a rotation issue to me.
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