
bslbatt-lithium avatar image
bslbatt-lithium asked

Why recommend distributors of energy storage batteries to buy Victron inverters?

Victron performed very well and competed with the well-known German battery inverter manufacturer SMA, the US Outback Power and Australia's Selectronic in the difficult small and medium off-grid solar market. These well-known companies have been building off-grid inverters for many years and dominate the US and Australian markets. However, in Europe and Africa, Victron is very popular and generally has a more global influence.

We are a <ahref="">manufacturer of energy storage batteries</a>manufacturer of energy storage batteries in China. When customers buy our batteries, we will always buy Victron inverters locally, because among many solar inverter products, we think that Victron has a lot of high-quality products. , And excellent product quality, it is recommended by the supplier of residential energy storage system. In addition, it is worth mentioning that our brand has been added to the Victron inverter system!

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Welcome here. Thank you for your introduction.
Below are links to the documentation related to your batteries for anyone interested:

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