
thebb avatar image
thebb asked

Multiplus II GX AC load calculate


I would like to ask, why my Multiplus II GX , AC Load show Power consuption 433W and actual true consuption is 485W (231x2.1=485W), difference of ~11%.

Is it a bug or feature? and if it is feature, is it possible to add option to change it to calculate consumption using current Volts and Ampere?


Thank you


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raphael avatar image raphael commented ·

I also have inaccuracy problems with my ESS 3 Phase system. In the first picture, it shows 119W of AC Loads...but there is nothing connected.

Loads are only connected to Critical Loads, AC Loads should be 0W

In the second picture, it shows 58W of Critical Loads, but there is nothing connected.

1624359855751.pngLoads are only connected to AC Loads, Critical Loads should be 0W

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marekp avatar image marekp raphael commented ·
AC loads and AC critical loads values are calculated, so when there a quick changes in loads those numbers will change until load stabilizes.
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raphael avatar image raphael marekp commented ·
Thank you for your answer!

Is there a way to fix that, by adding a additional EM24-DIN Energy Meter at the Critical Load Output?

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marekp avatar image marekp raphael commented ·
I do not think that this "problem" can be fixed.

EM24 is sending data to GX over one RS485 cable and MP-II has its own measuring device that communicates with GX over different cable.

Timing of those signals is different so calculation will be wrong when changes are fast.

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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

I think that the answer here is that the POWER FACTOR of your AC load is not unity - the voltage and current waveforms are not exactly in phase - usually due to an inductive load. Thus the true power is less than the Volts x Amps or the VA calculation. This is nothing to worry about for such a small difference. Your Power factor is (433/485) = 0.89 which is good. Some places have P.F. as low as 0.7, which can cause problems.

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