
Jared Wellman avatar image
Jared Wellman asked

MultiPlus Overload Alarm when attempting to start 2nd AC.

Trying to figure out what is going on with my MultiPlus unit. I have a 12/3000/120.

When running off of a 4500W generator I can start both ACs (MP in "Charge Only"). However if I set the MP to "On", starting the 2nd AC sends the MP into an overload alarm and the AC output from the MP drops. This also seems to trigger a voltage alarm on my EMS which shuts down for 90 seconds. However running with the MP in "Charge Only" I can start both ACs without issue from just the Generator.

It seems like running the MP + Gen *should* be able to handle this scenario without issue given that the generator can run both ACs. I have the input current set on the MP to 30A. My understanding is anything >30A and the Power Assist will kick in.

Both AC units have soft start units on them and I've measured the inrush current on each AC to be around 12A and running Amps to be 8A (Low) and 10A (High).

Pertinent Settings on the MP:
UPS: Disabled
AES: Disabled
Power Assist: Enabled
Dynamic Current Limiter: Enabled (though I've tried this both ways).

Any help is greatly appreciated! When the MP kicks off there is a decent transformer hum and then it kicks off.

Thanks in advance!

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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