
senileanimal avatar image
senileanimal asked

Multiplus 2 12/3000/120-32 install

Hi guys, new user here. My friend and i have a coffee food truck which had a bi directional inverter in it. It failed during a charging cycle Thursday evening. As we need to get the truck back up and running asap and could find no one willing to do an install asap for us. We purchased a Multipass 2 with the identical stats as the old unit and have an electrician (not victron qualified) installing tomorrow.

The setup is quite simple, 3 x 230amp AGM batteries in series for 12v dc power. The inverter runs 4 items only, 2 small fridges, a pie warmer and the coffee machine. We do have 10amp 240 volt input on the outside of the van for charging the batteries at night through the Multiplus.

My question is simple, my friend and I are not experts and do not wish to mess with the settings, does anyone here have input or knowledge that could confirm the standard victron settings would be suitable for charging the above battery bank for a week or two till we can take the van to a specialist who can adjust as necessary. The retailer who sold us the unit suggested the inverter would easily cater to our 240 V requirements as standard, but the battery type/charge rates/times would need to be setup.

We did buy the USB dongle and will have it connected, however would prefer to run stock Victron settings until we can get a booking.

Any feedback would be appreciated. The inverter we replaced was a TBB Energier Pro CF3090L. Can find very little online about yhis model.



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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

the standard settings should be fine for the battery type you have, just monitor battery temp when they are being charged for long periods especiallt when charge voltage is over 14.4v would be my only suggestion

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senileanimal avatar image senileanimal commented ·

Thanks Paul, we will put the temperature dongle on the batteries so we can see that in the app.

Thanks again


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