
willemoud avatar image
willemoud asked

Multiplus II inverter fails with 'Overload L1

We are running 2 multiplus in parallel (VICMP-II48-5000-70-50)

and we occasionally get an alarm message Overload L1 on VE.Bus System

We must manually reset the inverters and the master to get the system working again.

Is there any way to trace this back to a cause ? Currently we assume it's a short in the wiring ?

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5 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @willemoud

did you install the latest firmware on the units?

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H.W.Oelofse avatar image
H.W.Oelofse answered ·

There are many factors to consider in a parallel system that can cause the issues you are experiencing, a lot of times the issues seen will be from uneven current sharing. Things to check will be to make sure the battery cable lengths are exactly the same for both units and to make sure the same is true for the ac wiring on the outputs with these it is a bit better to go with slightly longer runs than might be apparent as these will help with the current sharing between the individual inverters. Be sure as well that both units are on the same firmware.

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greendovefarms avatar image greendovefarms commented ·

How long are your AC cables from the inverters to the circuit breakers ?

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willemoud avatar image
willemoud answered ·

Wouldn't these cause constant overloads?

We have probably only had 6 overloads in a 6 month period, so very random.

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H.W.Oelofse avatar image
H.W.Oelofse answered ·

One way to test that each inverter is carrying it's share of the load is to put a clamp meter on the ac outputs of the inverters one at a time and check the current each one is outputting, this can also be done with the battery cables as well. Doing this will help you get an indication of how well the inverters share the load.

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willemoud avatar image
willemoud answered ·

The current installed version is 470.

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Hi @willemoud

than first install the latest firmware.

and indeed also check for correct sharing of loads between inverters.

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willemoud avatar image willemoud Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Great, thanks.

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