
michelruijter avatar image
michelruijter asked

Problem unstable connection Honda 2.2i generator with quattro 3000/24V

I have a Quattro 3000/24V, a multicontrol panel and a battery monitor on a vessel. when not on shore power the batteries are filled using solar panels (victron 150/50 mppt charger.) Sometimes I like to add a Honda generator (new EU22i) for battery charging and the operation of stove/vacuum cleaner. The envisaged connection was on the soccet of the shore power. When connecting the generator (rated for continuous power of 1.8 KvA) and limiting the input current to 5.5 A. The systems starts as it should after 20 sec the AC source is detected and system starts charging the batteries with approx 1 KvA. After 2 minutes the charging power starts to fluctuate and 10 seconds later the input is rejected and the inverter starts to draw a lot of power (800 watts) from the batteries, this stops when I disconnect the generator. I changed the dipp switch settings (enable dynamic power and switch off UPS function) changed the connection to ACin 1, changed the voltage from 230-240. But none of these changes helped.

I am now waiting for a mk3 cable connection in order to update the firmware software and to be able to select the "weak AC"setting. Is there anything else I can try?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @michelruijter,

The 2.2i Honda generator with a 3kVa will need adjustments to get working properly.

I have written an FAQ to help here -

My colleague Margreet has also created this online training program with even more information -

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