
neeyee avatar image
neeyee asked

Quattro 8Kva Stiff ON/OFF Button

We have a newly commissioned 8 Kva Quattro in which the power ON/OFF switch (black button at the front of the unit) is rather stiff - it needs a sort of flat tool to be able to fully push in the button to bring the unit on.

Everything else works fine otherwise.

What can be done to fix this button? It is a lot of annoyance as one finger alone cannot switch on the unit - always needs a pointy or flat tool to push the button all the way in/up for the unit to power on

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


If you take the front cover off is the switch visibly ok?

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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Check the switch connection wires below they maybe bent, this then sort of indicates its had two much force applied ie someone or something has pressed it straight in instead of using it as a rocker switch,

if this is the case then just straighten the connections and the switch should then protrude through the opening further,

Hope this is of help

I am not saying you did this, it may have happened at any time in the handling chain, Its just a possible way to fix the issue on site that's all.

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neeyee avatar image
neeyee answered ·

I agree that this is what likely happened.

How do I get at the terminals? Is it possible to remove the small black ON/OFF/Charger only button?

While this is a repair I am happy to attempt on the field, I want to be sure I get it right and don't cause further damage.

It also seems rather petty to return a functional unit just because of a stiff button while everything else otherwise works fine.

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