
ivankoni avatar image
ivankoni asked

BlueSmart 12V/5A charger doesn't work after attempted firmware update

My Victron Connect Android phone app forced me to update charger firmware. But, after first unsuccessful attempt, charger stopped working. I tried multiple, multiple times to finish this firmware update, but it fails on random percentage of progress. I have updated Victron Connect app to latest version, I have tried to do this right next to the charger to minimize connection issues, I tried to turn off charger for some time, in hope that it will load it's factory firmware, but without success.

Now, I don't have working charger anymore. Does anyone has any suggestions?

chargerfirmware update
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Do you get an error message? If yes, can you make a screenshot?

Can you test it with another smartphone/tablet?

You can also create a service report in VictronConnect and share it here.

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ivankoni avatar image
ivankoni answered ·

There was no error code. I just tried another update in order to create service report - but update finally succeeded! So, my charger finally works again.

Thank you for a quick response.

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