
vincefarrar avatar image
vincefarrar asked

Monitoring alarms using a GX on a Boat

It seem strange that I cannot easily monitor level and temperature alarms on the Cerbo GX remote console. OK, you say use the VRM, but on a boat the internet is not always available, and when monitoring running equipment I need instant alarms not delayed information.

I can just leave up the list of devices and hope I catch a change in status, but not really good practice. The internal audible alarm does work for digital inputs (not yet tested level alarms) but it's so low it's almost useless when the engine is running. I could just leave the notification screen up, but then I can't monitor the voltages. Not good.

I have not tried using the alarm relay and external sounder as I need the relay output for a level controller.

The remote console does show "alarms" on the status tile, but this has has never worked, or it just for the power side of the system, it has never shown levels or temperatures that appear in Notifications.

Another issue for boats is the pump controller keeps switching to Auto, when I want to leave it off. To get round this issue I had to install an external switch.

These problems seem like a major oversite for use on a boat, what am I missing?

Info, Ver 2.66

3 Temp probes monitoring the engine

2 level switches monitoring bilges

1 probe to fuel tank low level alarm switch

2 Level problem monitoring fuel tanks

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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, tank level alarms were missing, and now added in a recent beta version (see v2.70 beta post elsewhere in the Community Modifications section).

having alarms on temperature readings would be nice but is currently not planned. Perhaps some day. Sorry.

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