
chipster avatar image
chipster asked

Which Raspberry Pi should I buy?

Is there any reason to buy a Raspberry Pi 4 over a 3 or 3b for Victron products?

Raspberry Pi
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4 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

For now, the 3B+ is the recommended choice to run Venus OS.

There is a reason to NOT buy a Pi 4 at this time. Venus OS does not run on the newest board version (v1.4). You may be able to find v1.1 or v1.2 boards in the wild but new purchases are likely to be v1.4.

Victron needs to update the Linux kernel to support this board version.

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jeroen avatar image jeroen ♦ commented ·

This is an old comment, but since the issue is pumped, Victron ships the raspberrypi image on behalf of the community, it is not tested, nor updated by Victron, only by volunteers.

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gainestr avatar image
gainestr answered ·

Good luck buying ANY version.

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


The Vensus on raspi 4 now runs on the new version PCB 1.4 and up being tested OK with the lastest version.

Just install Kevin Windrews Guimods to get the full benfits and ease of installing etc.


Rob D


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

Venus OS v2.90 currently in beta test has the new kernel that supports the v1.4 and v1.5 Raspberry PI 4 boards. So starting with v2.90 the RPI 4 modules are now an acceptable host for Venus OS. If you want to run only released firmware, then a RPI 3B+ is a better choice for now. That said, finding ANY Raspberry PI right now will be difficult until supply shortages can be overcome.

The RPI version of Venus OS comes up faceless (no gui running on a local display). My RpiDisplaySetup helps set up the PI to run a local GUI.

The RPI has no relays or digital inputs. My RpiGpioSetup helps enable GPIO pins to control external relays and accept external circuitry. GPIOs for 6 relays and 5 digital inputs are enabled with this mod.

GuiMods enhances the user interface for all Venus OS platforms, not just Raspberry PI.

SetupHelper is required for all my packages and provides a package management system to install packages from the GUI.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie Kevin Windrem commented ·
Hi Kevin

Also add that all the 8 analog ports work with the MCP3208 analog converter interface. I have all this going now OK.

4x Temp 4x Tank.


Rob D


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Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

you'll be lucky to find a pi...

last enquiry I made was told there is a waiting list.

I've had a pi4 on order for 12months and it still has not shown up...

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