
jabrockert avatar image
jabrockert asked

multiplus just stopped switching over, and startup takes 1-2 minutes

My Multiplus 12/3000//120-50 has been installed for about 1 year and has just stopped switching over to battery. The power drops and the unit goes off and stays off. Once the power comes back on the Unit takes 1-2 minutes before the Unit even responds and comes on.

I've reviewed the forum's post's and ran a few checks as pointed out nothing out the the ordinary.

Seems there is some kind of log that I should be able to view. I've got a mk3-USB interface connected to a PC, but the settings require a password that I don't have. Not sure how to get to the log.

Any ideas where to go next ?



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Check the Fuse between the Multi and battery.

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jabrockert avatar image jabrockert commented ·

Yep, it's good. I've check all the way to the power on the board lug's. Even when the Unit goes off power is there.


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ jabrockert commented ·

What does VictronConnect show when the grid switches off?

Edit: somehow your other comment disappeared. But I guess the log is only useful for the developer.

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jabrockert avatar image jabrockert Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

I switched it off and it didn't go off,...????? I've got some other problem, Need to end this thread for right now and get my installer out here

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jabrockert avatar image
jabrockert answered ·

Ok, Figured out the log, is this usable?, Is there a program to run it thru?



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