
garry avatar image
garry asked

Charging profile with the MPPT 100/50

I have a Victron Multiplus3000 inverter/charger, a Victron MPPT 100/50 solar regulator, a Victron Smart Panel display and the Victron USB interface providing the power control in my caravan. I also have two 200Ah lithium batteries. With the solar regulator it starts each day in bulk mode but then drops back to absorption mode after a while. Does this regardless of battery charge. For example the battery may be at say 75% and regardless of this it will still drop into absorption mode and reduces the power coming from the panels. I would have thought that it would stay in bulk mode until the battery is in a more charged state then go to absorption/float mode as battery approaches capacity. I know the battery is still needing/taking charge as when it goes to absorption mode I hook up the generator and it will take whatever the generator can put out until it gets to around 95% or so as displayed on the smart panel then winds itself back. Seems to me the Solar charger modes are simply working off a timer and not necessarily on a charge required basis. Is there a setting that needs to be changed or is this normal and correct operation? I have the rotary dial set on 7 (Lithium battery) on the 100/50. Any ideas, or this normal operation?

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

You have not mentioned the battery voltages when the mppt switches from bulk to absorption..

Check that the battery voltage matches the voltage on the mppt's battery terminal. Any voltage loss on that cable will result in the mppt changing charging state early.

Are you using a BMV to measure battery Soc?

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garry avatar image
garry answered ·

Thanks for that klim8skeptic. I haven't done anything like that at this stage as I don't really understand electrical things of a technical nature. I was hoping the solution I was looking for was simply something like a switch that needed to be turned on or something like that. I shall get the multimeter out and check the voltages as you suggest although I suspect there won't be a problem in the cabling as it looks of a large size and connected properly and the caravan is only 4 months old. Sorry but don't know what a BMV or Soc are.

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