
dgmar-ni avatar image
dgmar-ni asked

Quattro shows verload and low batt without loads connected


We are installing a Quattro 5000/120V for the first time and when is being initialized it doesn't run and shows overload and low batt warning at the same time. Also there is no AC load connected yet. What can be happening? I have read that this can be a firmware issue.

Any suggestion will be appreciated.


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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michaelvausr avatar image michaelvausr commented ·

Do overload and low battery flash synchronously?

This would indicate a high DC ripple.

What battery is connected? Was it charged once?

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

Also we need more information please advise.

1. Type of battery and size and max load current the BMS allows (If lithium)

2. how long are the battery cables and what size are they

3. whats is the battery voltage presuming 48v.

4. a wiring diagram showing everything thats connected to the Multiplus DC side

That I suspect, and yes it could also be high DC ripple as mentioned, but it could also be the surge current thats needed to precharge the capacitors inside the mutliplus, if the batteries BMS is two small then this BMS maybe cutting off the batteries when you connect the multiplus unit.

there are lots of possible scenarios, so please advise some more details THANKS

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1 Answer
dgmar-ni avatar image
dgmar-ni answered ·

Thank you for your responses. At the end we found the problem. One of the internal fuses was blown up. So we did replacement is running fine.


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