
Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image
Warwick Bruce Chapman asked

FEATURE REQUEST: Distinguish Grid Loss from Grid Rejection

When a Multi / Quattro rejects the grid because it is non-compliant, VRM reports a Grid Loss.

Strictly speaking, the grid is still there - and as my clients would say, "The oven still works, why doesn't your inverter?!". So, I suggest this be distinguished from a Grid Lost alarm and be reported as Grid Rejected. This makes it easier for us to explain to clients that the grid is not up to scratch and help them understand why their essentials are running on backup while the non-essentials are using the grid.

This is especially with the MultiPlus-II that implement local grid codes eg. NRS-097 in South Africa.

Multiplus-IIfeature request
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1 Answer
raymiller avatar image
raymiller answered ·

The same goes for a range of logic conditions that also give rise to an AC in reject or accept, it is not always clear which conditions are true or false, i.e. greater than x Watts but lower then Y Watts.

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