
gmflash88 avatar image
gmflash88 asked

6-way MEGA Fuse Holder question

I'm planning out my solar/electrical system (mobile application) and will have 5 devices being connected to my battery bank. I know the Lynx is an option, but I would need 2 units. This lead me to the 6-way MEGA fuse holder, but I"m confused about the standalone slot and the media posted on the part page within the Victron site.

The video clearly shows a single positive line coming into the unit in the "blank" spot, all 6 positions fused and subsequently feeding out to devices. How is the power getting to the busbar in that application? Is that a mistake?

See image below for reference.


1619568097305.png (306.4 KiB)
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gbntx avatar image gbntx commented ·

The 6th position is separate from the busbar.

I'd say this is a lightweight fuse holder compared to the Lynx.
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2 Answers
Mark Maritz avatar image
Mark Maritz answered ·

One suggested use for this fuse holder could be:

1. High amps input/output in the single connector (Orion DC/DC for alternator charging).

2. Low amps input/multi fused outputs

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watts avatar image
watts answered ·

The video is misleading as there should be separate supply connection to the 5 way bus bar for 5 of those 6 fused circuits shown to have power.

So yes, it's a mistake.

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Related Resources

Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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