
puppettalker avatar image
puppettalker asked

High current on BVM shunt

I have a new BVM-712 that I am installing. Even with the LOAD side disconnected it is reading a current of 8 amps.

I haven't done a zero calibration yet but I was surprised at the extremely high error readings.

I did make two small modifications, not sure if either one of them is responsible:

- I had to flip the PCB circuit board around to get the wiring to fit, but I believe I am using the right terminals.

- the power/temp lead was about a foot too short so I cut it and extended with some 12ga wiring. The connection is soldered and crimped.

Any thoughts?img-0398.jpeg


BMV Battery Monitor
img-0398.jpeg (287.1 KiB)
img-0399.jpeg (139.9 KiB)
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1 Answer
heinzie avatar image
heinzie answered ·

U are either using wrong color (black) wire on bat 2 connection or the Black wire is connected to a ground?

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